VAM 204 | Go Hunting for the Best Acting and Storytelling

Welcome to episode 204 of the Voice Acting Mastery podcast with yours truly, Crispin Freeman!

As always, you can listen to the podcast using the player above, or download the mp3 using the link at the bottom of this blog post. The podcast is also available via the iTunes Store online. Just follow this link to view the podcast in iTunes:

Since episode 128, this podcast has focused primarily on doing in-depth interviews with industry professionals that I feel have unique insights that will be useful to my listeners. For this episode, I’m going to go back to my earlier format of speaking at length on a single topic. Since this episode is coming out in January of 2024, I thought it might be good idea to start out the New Year with some valuable advice that I’d like to share with my listeners.

I want to talk about how important it is in today’s media environment to go hunting for the best acting and storytelling you can find. This means not only studying performances, movies, tv shows and games that are highly acclaimed or intensely popular, but also researching and understanding the art and creators who influenced and inspired those projects.

The reason I’m suggesting this is because recently I have found that more and more of my students not only lack exposure to some of the best acting performances in media, but they also lack an understanding of how earlier art continues to influence some of the most popular media franchises today. Without this knowledge and context, those students who are less familiar with these things are less professionally competitive than my students who have researched and studied some of the best acting and storytelling that exists.

So what I’d like to do in this episode is share with you not only some of the most important touchstones for voice actors, but also to impress upon my listeners how valuable it can be to understand the artistic lineage of where current popular culture comes from. I also want to stress just how vital it is to actively hunt for these things in a world that is increasingly overloaded with insistent demands on your attention.

Download Voice Acting Mastery Episode #204 Here (MP3)

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